The ÖJAB at the Wolfganggasse Campus
About this assembly
The ÖJAB — Austrian Young Workers' Movement is a non-profit association that provides students and young people with a home at the place of training, offers inpatient and mobile care and is active in the areas of education, integration, refugee aid and development cooperation.
ÖJAB is represented in the Wolfganggasse Lebenscampus...
- with the student and youth hostel ÖJAB House Remise with ÖJAB Home Nursing Neumargareten, which is based in the ÖJAB House Remise
- with the ÖJAB nursing home Neumargareten — Feeling good at the Lebenscampus with the ÖJAB
- Vocational Education Institute and with the funding measure TrainingFit for Young People As one of the largest home management organizations in Austria and as party political and confessional independent youth organization, ÖJAB
- offers over 4,800
Student and youth dormitories and four nursing homes. The dormitories provide young people with new friendships, joint activities and life-changing experiences. Elderly people find loving and professional care with intergenerative encounters in ÖJAB houses. Assisted living, home nursing and nursing education
complement this offer.In addition, every year, ÖJAB supports 1,600 mostly socially disadvantaged young people and adults on their educational path, qualifies them for the labor market and participates in European education projects.
Asylum seekers and refugees are cared for in ÖJAB houses and take part in ÖJAB training measures.
In Burkina Faso (West Africa), ÖJAB is involved with development cooperation projects.
In total, ÖJAB operates at 44 locations in Austria, including 29 dormitories. It employs 800 people, 560 of them in nursing and education. ÖJAB is also characterized by volunteer work and volunteer work
.ÖJAB's four main areas of work are therefore:
- Students & Youth
- Senior Citizens and Nursing Education and
- Integration
- Development Cooperation
In Vienna's 12th district, ÖJAB has been active for almost five decades with social housing, care and education work. Before the Wolfganggasse Lebenscampus existed, there were already seven ÖJAB locations in Vienna-Meidling. In the Wolfganggasse district, ÖJAB has now brought together existing social services in a renewed form in 2022 and 2023 and added new offerings.
Web: www.oejab.at